How Children Feel About Remote Learning – Maine’s Finest

Each person has his or her own options regarding distant learning. What is the opinion of the kids of remote learning? This video is essentially the result of interviews in which kids talk about their experiences about learning from home. Some of them said it’s more difficult to master the subject at home. A second group said they have less fun while at home since they’re not able to spend time with their peers. One kid said this is difficult because teachers are inaccessible for queries. It’s because for a lot of children the fear of asking questions over Zoom is greater than just raising your hand to the teacher in class. Then, they said they had a hard time when they be at home working. They have to work from the home of their families as well as their parents. Learning remotely is an incredibly complex subject. Have your kids tell you what they consider remote learning. Continue reading for additional information. 54i4fg12mi.